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Search Product Information Free Software Internet Tools Product Support Feedback Microsoft Office lets you focus on getting your job done.
Internet Assistant for Microsoft Word v2.0z
A free add-in that lets you create and edit documents for the Internet or an Intranet.
Microsoft Excel Wizards
Microsoft Excel's ongoing commitment to making the product easier to use, we present Internet Assistant for Microsoft Excel, the File Conversion Wizard, and more.
Access Ready-to-Run Databases
A fun way to sample what it's like to use a databse to get organized, manage tasks, and find answers to everyday questions.

General Download Instructions
  1. Click the file that you want to download.
  2. Save it into a folder on your PC.
  3. For Compressed files extract the files from the executable (.exe) file by clicking the file.
  4. Open the readme or instruction file for further instructions.

Click on the product tabs above to see free software for each product.

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